DAISY kick-off meeting
INI 14-17 December 2005
Institute of Neuroinformatics
Winterthurerstrasse 190
tel: +41 44 6353051
Each half day block will consist of a description / discussion some general daisy management issues (for a short time) and then the contribution of a daisy group.
Each group should provide an overview their concepts and projects relevant to DAISY. The idea is that we end up understanding at a useful (but not detailed) level one anothers contributions, methods, prospects, problems, etc. Thereafter, comment particularly on the workpackages, and deliverables for 2006. Presentations by group leaders, and students (encouraged).
Please read the management scheme, and notice that there is a particular person responsible for each workpackage. Ensure that these persons are properly assigned for your group.
Lots of discussion please.
Remember that we have committed ourselves to discuss also the ethics of our project, and the results of this discussion will be seriously assessed by our review committee. So please think also about these issues in advance.
Workshop schedule
Wednesday 14 December
evening (17h30)drinks and snacks in the Roeslli bar (of the Roeslli Hotel, where many of you are staying)
Thursday 15 December
morning (09h00)Kevan Martin et. al.
lunch at INI (lebanese)
afternoon (14h00)
Henry Kennedy et. al.
evening free-ish
Friday 16 December
morningAmiram Grinwald et. al.
lunch at INI (tom kar gai)
Shimon Ullman et. al.
evening workshop dinner
Saturday 17 December
morningChristof von der Malsburg et. al.
lunch at INI (pizza)
Rodney Douglas et. al.
evening stragglers dinner (to be defined)